Assessment of effect of anesthetic technique on pulmonary function |
Assessment of heart rate in patients on post anesthesia care |
Comparison of hemodynamic changes under the effect of two different local anesthetic procedures |
Comparison of pain perception in young adult males with normal and increased bmi |
Effect of prophylaxis of amiodarone and magnesium to prevent atrial fibrillation in patients with rheumatic heart diseaseundergoing mitral valve replacement surgery |
Comparative study of methylprednisolone-palenosetron versus granisetron-methylprednisolone combination for prevention of post-operative nausea vomiting in middle ear surgeries |
Comparison of sniffing position and head-neck position for direct laryngoscopy |
To compare the efficacy of granesetron versus droperidol in prevention of nausea vomiting in patients undergoing laproscopic cholecystectomy |
Palliative care
Diificult airway , Resuscitation
Urological Anaesthesia
Safety and Quality in Health care